
Friday 30 December 2011

REST IN PEACE 2011 !!!

2011 left me with a sweet n bitter life experience..hhmmm..

first skali ialah time first2 terjumpa ngan kawan2 skang ni..time bulan 1 ..new sem ! ahaha..siyesly aku xde kawan time tu..but ,thank god yg fara sama klas ngan aku ..so,ade la kawan sikit..tp,still rase x best sebb aku duduk sorg2 kat klas..

but then ,time klas ptg ,time tu klas MGT ,ade satu peristiwa yg telah menyebabkan aku berkawan denga aen samsu..ahha..since that terrified incident,die duk sebelah aku n we become closer lg sebab fara ngan aen samsu adalah roomate . while romate aku plak ialah amal,biha n nisa..well,aku mmg x penah kenal biha ngan nisa sebelom ni kcuali amal sbb die satu plkn ngan aku ..tp lame2 kitrg jadi rapat sgt ..romate aku ngan romate fara pon rapat ..mahirah,aen samsu,mun ,nisa ,biha n amal..kerapatan kitrg tu terbawak bawak sampai g trip ke terngganu..well,mmg best sgt time tu..

mahirah,mun,ain n fara ..romate yg happy dan jiran yg agak baik ..ahahha

my roomate..biha ,amal n nisa..sesat jek fara kat tengah2 tu..ahaa

combination of us ..tp,mahirah ngan mun xjoin ...

but,ye lah..langit xselalu cerah kan ..so,op coz ade konflik ..dgn rakan sekelas ..xtau la same ade salah paham atau die mmg xsuke kat kitrg atau pon kitrg  xsuke ngan die..n fyi,konflik tu berlarutan sampai ari ni ..dn kami still d dlm klas yg sama lg ..oh maaaiii ! smetimes ,mmg agak annoying bila nmpk die n dgr suare die..but,xde ape yg blh dbuat selain face the truth yg die mmg sekelas ngan kitrg ..kalau nak cite pasal die,mmg banyak....tp,nak dekat new yr ni,aku malas r nak buat dose bru kan ..hikhikhik

cite yg seterusnya bila naik sem baru ..sem 2..xdapat hostel..so ,kitrg sewa rumah di bam villa condo..perghh..name condo tu mmg hot la aku ckp..tp name jek..ahah..dpt serumah ngan biha ,akma,wanis,aza, n teha..but then ,dlm buln 8 cm tu,bella masuk n the next months pulak heyda masuk ..n bella lavera sekali..mmg best bile ramai2..

our home sweet home !!

time tu jugak la,aku mula rapat ngan bella suhaimi..siyesly,time sem 1 tu ,aku mmg same klas ngan die ..tp,aku xpenah bertegur ngan die..ntah la,xtau nape..aku x rase mcm aku perlu berkawan ngan die kot time tu sbb aku da ade kawan2 aku yg tersendri..ahha..tp,tu la ,jodoh berkawan tu ade..mmg best kawan ngan die..especially,dgr care die gelak..mcm kuda !! ahahahha..

that"s her !!

cite sem 2 xbyk sgt laaa..tp,yg pling swit memori skali ialah bila kitrg wat presentation marketing n kitrg sebagai presentator for GSK company n we choose to promote ribena ..huhu..gempak kut kitrg nye presntation..rasenye,yg pling gempak kot dlm abad ini..as a gift ,kitrg bg sample air ribena percuma n ballon ..sape jek yg blh buat cm tu kan ?? ahhaha..n op coz cost die pon mahal..tp,abg mok blanje ..ahaha.so,kitrg x kluakan cost ape2 pon..mmg best !!!!!

dlm sem 2 jugak ade dugaan untuk aku bila test costing aku failed n miss nawal suh aku jumpa die ..wat da frog?
then,mis nawal tye ape masalah aku sebab dr sem 1 die aja aku,aku xpenah fail..so,nak cover punya pasal,aku ckp yg aku careless mistake ..tersalah tekan calculator..yg sebenanyo,aku mmg x stdy ..tp,nseb la x bg effect sgt kat carry mark..n thank god ,yg result sem 2 aku lg better dr sem 1 .alhamdulilaahhhhh...

so,secara totalnye byk bende yg berlaku dlm tahun 2011 ni ..ade konflik..cnthnye, mcm konflik d anatara aku ngan amal..aku ngan biha..ahah..at last,kitrg kawan balik pon..saje jek nak gedik2 sikit gado2 ni ..ahah.xbest la klau kawan jek spanjg tahun tnpa ade konflik kan ?? ahahah

dlm tahun 2011 ni jugak da bape kali ek kitrg g picnic ..rasenye 2 jek kot..sbb spatotnye 3 kali,tp ade masalah teknikal..kitrg g sungai gabai ..first trip time sem 1 dlu ngan mahirah..n second trip ngan amal..yuhhhuuuu,,best2



well,untuk sem 3 ni,kitrg planning nak g LANGKAWI naik KTM..sume da settle kot..harge tiket..penginapan amal uruskan ..so,lets have fun babeyh..just tgu nak pegi jek ..lpas final la tpi..aha.but ,we r super excited..tp kali ni ,kitrg g ramai2 ..aku,heyda,bella,amal,aen n fara ..n ade lg kot yg akan menyusul..bak kate amal,kite kene sewa kete MPV la kat sane nt..im wondering,cukup ke duet kite nt ..ahaha..so,untuk dak2 PTPTN n MARA blnje la kitrg yg dpt biasiswa ni ek..ahahaaaahah..gurau jek !!





Once again ,i believed n i put 100 n 10 percent that our life is our privacy ..sometimes,dlm beberapa perkara ,kite perlu ade privacy ..serapat mana pon orang tu dengan kita dan sebaik mana pun kita dengan seseorang tu,kita tetap tak buleh ceritakan semua privacy kita pada mereka..well,thats true .n that "look alike" quotes tu adalah dri my discipline teacher,Pn Nadatul..well,i miss her,eventhought that she is really fierce..i remembered that she cought me kat dlm bilik guru coz im not wearing scarf yg dalam tudung tu .ahaha..n thank god ,aku bawak scarf..so,die suh aku pakai scrf kat situ jugak..hahah..well,thats me in fom 4 ..so,sememangnye da out of story nih ..

n secara jujur nya,aku ni seorg yg suke cerita tentang family n mcm2 yg berkaitan dgn family..but ,the only things that aku rase very shy to share is my really2 privacy things which means the special person in my life..haha..im kind a very shy2 girl n person tau bila ckp pasal bende tu ..weird isn"it ? but that is really me ..

thats y until now, aku byk ckp kat membe2 aku yg aku suke die ni la,suke die tu la..but swear to god ,1 pon aku xsuke..ahah..ntah la,until now,at this moment ,i do think that no one should know about the person that i really love ..op coz la i x hati kering ..tp,kadang2 tu hati kering ..haha..cite da macam cite kel da ni ..

but,since kat sekolah lagi,aku bg tau cikgu aku yg aku xnak kawen n nak jadi perdana menteri..haha..lawak la..sampai satu kelas tu banned aku sebb asyik ckp pasal politic jek..yg pting ,time kat perhimpunan yg terik,aku leh selamba jek kipas muka aku ngan kipas "undilah barisan nasional" ..ahahah..selamber btol !
but ,seriusly aku rase yg aku xakan berkahwin kerana aku rase anak sulung sepatutnya xyah kawen kot..haha..n membe2 sekolah pun da tau da ttg cita2 aku yg pelik tu which means refer pade xnak kawen tu la..eeemmmm..nak tau x antara ramai2 kawan aku yg aku ade skang ni,,,aku da tau da sape yg kawen dulu ..hihi .nak tau x sape yg first ?

well,this is the countdown ...

yeayyy..she is the first one ..waiting for anther 5 years n she will be a wife !! ahahaha

next is her ! with her "wat so call" radar ...hmm..aminnn !

n then,she will continue the legacy .ahaha..eh ? anak ke tu ? ahah..

so,that is my predict towards all my frenz ..koang jgn marah k..standard la ramaln2 ni.. xbtul pon coz ajal maut n jodoh pertemuan d tangan allah kan ? so,dun wory ,be happy ..ahah

hug n kisses babeyhh !!

Thursday 29 December 2011


aarrghhh..siyes aku ckp yg 2 subjek ni la yg pling aku worried gile2 ..eerr..i du nut know wat is really linger in my mind now but i cn say that evryday i cant have a normal life bcause of this 2 subjects ...macro n qmt pls give my normal life back..! pliz do understands me .so,i cn understands u back..plz be nice to me.n i cn be nice to u back..huhu..im crazy right ? i just hope that i can adapt with this situations ..so,lets work out girls.just remember this ..PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT !!! yup,babyyyy...

ohhhh macroeconomicsssss !

ohhh statistics..be handsome with me okaaayy !


well,this is how the story beginss..eemm..first2 skali ,me n my gang wanted to do smthg like discussion on wednesday..but,yes ,we r malay ..so,ade la nampak putar2 cite sikit kat situ sbb at last nye,we done nothing but instead of that, we decide to go to "wat so call" holiday in kampung one of my frenz..well,obviously mmg dgr cm jauh jek kmpung tu kan..but ,it is not ..kat hulu langat jek pun..

so,at first ,me n my driver ,amal pick up bella kat our new home sweet home ..ahahaha..after that,kitrg trus gerak n pick up aen samsu..well,obviously die mmg pemalas sgt..sbb tu kitrg kene pick up die..haha.skali lg auta d stu..amal not my driver n aen samsu is not my dummy ,lazy frenz okay..n then,for the final pick up,kitrg g amek fara kat stesen maluri..n our journey beginsss !! wuuuhuuuuuu...

we really having so much fun there ..swear to dead we r appy like crazy ! huhhu..we did swim in sungai gabai..but,me n aen samsu r not part of tht coz we do have a technical poblem ..ahaha..n then ,we go back home..watching football coz  amal mmg minat gile ngan fahmi bukan nama sebenar ! ahaa.n then ,semua org pun hungggaaarryyy..so, aku masak maggi yg x bape nak magi..sumpah x sedap sangat ..sedap sikit jek..theres smthg wrong wth the food that i cooked..but ,xpe la..at least ,korg makan jugak kan ..ahahah

well,as a conclusion..ahaha..cewah,da macm academic writing dah ni..but the conclusion is, there is no conclusion .nak tau sebab apa ? sebab time ni kitrg mmg enjoy ..n setiap bende yg enjoy n happy yg kite lakukan tgther especially with our frenz is precious moment n op coz u dnt wan any full stop kan klau bab2 happy n gedik2 ni..so, i want more ! i want more ! i want more ! ahhahaah

Tuesday 27 December 2011


well,everyone have the person or an idol that u admire most ..u wanted to be like them ..but ,as an advice,we can adore them ,but we cant be like them ...admire n like them in a good way ,not in a bad way ..so,this is the 10 personalities that i adore most until today !


Im not american ..but,i think the whole world admire her for everything..the way she talk,her internal n external beauty make everyone adore her damn much !


well,thats true ..she is the Lady Morgana in Merlin..she is beautiful n wat makes me adore her is her hair...awwww..wat a beautiful hair !!!!


She is a singer n actress..i..i luv u like a love song babeyh ..ahaha..well,she"s not good enough to be a singer when she had to sing the song live ..but,who cares ..she"s cute n adorable ..hihi


aawwwww ! the handsome king !!!! ahaha..well,obviously i admire him because he is Prince Arthur and he is a very charming king !! CAMELOT is lucky coz have him as a king..ahahhahaaa...


firstly i saw her on tv is wen im watching Good luck charlie ..she is so funny ..well,i think miley cyrus will cry one day coz bridgit is better than her ..well,gud luck bridgit !!


she is the malaysian dancing queen ..i adore her since her first debut in Akademi Fantasia..n for teling u the truth ,she is the only malaysian artist that i adore relly2 ,damn2 much !! luv u stacy ! alamak,terlebih sudah ! ahahhaa,..


she is michael jackson"s daughter ..well,she is going to be an actress soon ...waaaa..michael should be proud for having paris as his daughter..


wat a very talented actress..she is young..very young..but,she do have a big talent and she is not a camera shy..well,i believed that maybe she"s going to be a great actress one day.


he is legend ..he is a king of pop..he is a great dancer ..he is a great singer ..he had everything ..but ,we alredy know that his life ruined just because of drugs n addicted to pain killers ..well,rest in peace michael !


RFK is a younger brother of president  jack kennedy..well, i admire him in a way he defence his decision n i can say that he is a big temper person..but ,he is very loyal towards his wife..thats y they have 11 kids tgether ..ahahha..

Well ,like i said before, we do have a person that we admire most ..take them as an example for u in a positive way ..but ,throw their negative side far far away from u coz they r human..they arent perfect ..

Saturday 17 December 2011



1917 - 1963

first sekali aku mmg xkenal pun mane2 USA punye president ,tp lps aku tgok oprah winfrey show n time tu oprah siarkan cerita pasal interview die dgn anak jfk ni iaitu jfk junior sempena memperingati ulang tahun ke 10 kematian die ..then ,time tu die ade cite pasal family kennedy ni ..actually,family ni sgt besar ,terkenal n sagt2 kaya ..jfk junior mati disebabkan air crash ..n his father dead on 22 nov 1963 in dallas ,texas sebab dtembak d kepala ..so,aftr wtching oprah ,tibe2 jek aku ade interest untuk tau everything about this family..secare kebetulannye ,history channel ade keluarkan cite pasal THE LOST KENNEDYS HOME MOVIES  which means bende2 yg drakam tu adalah benar dr family kennedy ni ..dorg sentiasa membawa kamere untuk rakam pergerakan dorg ..so,mmg best tgok dorg punye family ..aku tgok ulang2 kali sampai bapak aku pun bising sbb org lain x buleh nak tgok cite lain ..balik2 cite tu jugak yg aku bukak ..ahaha..n x lame lps tu,klua la mini series kat history channel yg bertajuk THE KENNEDYS ..time ni plakon yg lakonkan balik kisah hidup family kennedy ni ..mmg best cite die especially for those yg minat sejarah ..dlm cite tu ,die ade tunjukkan evrything yg terjadi dlm hidup jfk ni since die masuk bertanding untuk menjadi senator sampailah die berkahwin,jadI president n kemudiannya dbunuh d texas ..antara ucapan yg xbuleh dlupakan oleh rakyat USA time 60-an dulu ialah apabila PRESIDENT JOHN FRED KENNEDY mengeluakan ucapan yg berbunyi ,"jangan pernah tye ape yg negare telah sumbangkan kepada kamu,tp ,tanye ape yg kamu telah sumbangkan pada negara"..well,until now,speech tu still lingered dlm kepala rakyat USA ..


1929 - 1994

jackie kennedy or jackie o ialah isteri kepada jfk ..she is the first lady since 1960 until 1963 after her husband assacination ..jackie o ialah seorang first lady yg sgt di admire ramai time tu .the way she looks ,talks and everything that she do make americans fall in love with her ..walaupun,perkahwinan die dgn jfk ni xberapa nak bahagia sebab jfk ni curang dgn ramai wanita ,jackie o ttp bersama dgn suami die sehinnga suami die meninggal..dan selepas 5 tahun kematian jfk,bru lah jackie o berkahwin sekali lagi ..tp die berkahwin sekali lagi bukn kerana cinta tetapi die nak sembunyikan anak2 die dari media sebab suami baru die mempunyai sebuah pulau yg private d mane sume org x blh masuk pulau tu sesuka hati ..well,semase die berada d dlm kereta bersama jfk dan sewaktu jfk dtembak d kepale d hadapan jackie o sendiri,sebahagian dr tengkorak jfk telah tercabut dan melayang d belakang kereta ,jackie o trus melompat ke belakang kereta untuk mengutip tengkorak tersebut tetapi dihalang oleh CIA dsebabkan faktor keselamatan ..n selepas dsuruh tundukkan kepale d dlam kete,die telah memeluk suami die dan menjerit "no..they killed my husband ,they killed my husband ..now ,his blood n his brain is in my hands"..wow ,,wat a sad story right ..i am very very admire both of them ..jackie o meninggal pada tahun 1994 akibat cancer n die xpenah bercerita tentang kehidupan die secare dtemubual oleh media ..cuma,buku tentang kehidupan die yg dnyatakan oleh die sendiri yg dtinggalkan oleh die kepade sume rakyat amerika ..

with their daughter ,caroline kennedy ..


with jfk junior and caroline ..

jackie with her kids on her husband"s funeral ..

kubur dorang bersebelahan ...

rest in peace !

Friday 16 December 2011


hahaha ..tibe2 jek terpikir pasal bende ni sebab bukan aku nak kawen pon ..tp ,aku n partner in crime aku,aen samsu kene buat thesis pasal ni ..sambil2 wat thesis tu ,aku terpikir jugak ,is it really that those who yg dah kawin tu happy ..sometimes, ade jek kite debgar pasal domestic violance kan ? xsalah aku ,domestic violance ni mcm penderaan di dlm rumah tangga ..klau nak tau btol o x ,g tgok dictionary okehh ! .n same macm sexism jugak,aku rase klau da kawen ,mest laki2 yg bergelar suami tu akn control pergerakan isteri dorg ..contoh sexism ni mcm ,konon2 nye si isteri tu nak bawak kete balik kampong ,tp suami die x bg sebab konon2 nye pompuan ni bwk kete lembab n slow ..gabra n mcm2 lg ..aku bukn nk cite pasal sexism ..cume ,klau bende yg mcm tu terjadi di dlm rumah tangga ,well,aku rase better xyah kawen kot ..but ,whether we wnt to married or prefer to be a single ladyssssss ,it reaaly up to us ..we have a choice right ..due2 pon ade pro n kontra ..klau u prefer to be singles ,then ,u have to be alone for a long time ..sampai da masuk 7 kaki ke dalam tanah ..but ,klau kite kawen ,we might be happy for those who lucky to have their mr right with them or we might be unlucky sebab dapat suami yg baran ,xkeje n slalu mintak duet ..u know ,that kind of husband is everywhere now ..so,untuk ladies2 yg kat lua tu ,pikir la kay ..saje jek nak update pasal ni ..hihi

Thursday 15 December 2011


jahat kn dorangggg....

Well,isu ni dah lame da ..tapi bru td aku terbaca kronologi2 yg menyebabkan the indonesian benci gile ngan kite as malaysian ..xtau la ape sgt yg dorg dengki kan ..op cos la as malaysian ,aku rase panas ati tahap cipan ngan prangai dorg tu ..dorg tu macam kacang lupakan kulit gile..time dorg gempa bumi,tsunami n gunung merapi ..sape yg tolong korg klau bukn malaysia..jawab sikit org2 indonesia ..bukan nak mengungkit ,tp nak refresh balik jek kat mind org2 indonesia ttg hal tu ..n lg 1 ,bile kitrg hanta bantuan ,korg boleh kate plak yg kitrg hanta bantuan makanan yg expired ..eeeiii..ape la masalah korg ni ..klau dsebabkan pasal batik o lagu negaraku yg kononnya dr negara korg tu,aku prefer korg kaji sejarah balik ..bukn ke msia n indonesia serumpun which means ape yg ade kat negare korg o kitrg tu dbawa masuk oleh nenek moyang moyang moyang yg lame dulu ..ada paham ? same jek mcm isu bola sepak ari tu ..korg ckp kitrg bg korg sumbangan makanan yg da expired ..ok fine ..tp,baru2 ni time sukan sea ..ramai atlet malaysia keracunan makanan tau x...tp ade media kecoh2 n buat publisiti besar besaran pasal isu tu ? x langsung okay ...n aku xtau la whether media kau tu ade laporkan pasal bende ni ke x sbb sume org tau yg media kat negara kau tu mmg berat sebelah ..asyik nak bg berite yg baik2 jek pasal negare kau yg agak miskin tu ..eh ,bukan agak ..tp mmg miskin ..n ade lg 1 dak indon ni die dok tulis yg die bangga sebab byk gile sinetron2 indon yg masuk dlm malaysia ni ..so,bile aku bace tu ..aku just ckp who cares ? kitrg pon ade drama kitrg sendiri ..tp,kitrg impot sinetron kau tu sbb rakyat kau da berlambak kat negara kitrg ni crik sesuap nasi n kitrg saje jek nak bayo duet kat company2 yg menerbitkan sinetron korg tu...al maklomla,org yg kaye perlulah bersedekah terhadap orang yg x berkemampuan...aku bengang ni sebab aku dok tgok bola sepak time final ari tu .malaysia vs indonesia dan ALLAH maha mengetahui ..n MALAYSIA won !!! so,op coz la aku bangga ! well,trust me ,that malaysia are going to be a winner forever indonesia ..dont u ever try to think that u r good in everything k ..coz malaysia is better than u and had leave u far far far far away at the back ..so,xyah nak ngata negara aku lagi k..sedar sikit diri tu sape dulu ..kalau korg nak kutuk negara aku pon ,tgu bila kau da sama taraf ngan kitorg okay !! selagi xsame taraf ,korg duduk diam2 n tunggu mAk,bapak,moyang,atok ,nenek,mak cik ,pak cik n segala keponakan korg tu pulang dr malaysia bwk duet k..kesian aku tgok dorang nih !


Friday 2 December 2011


huahua.sedih gile bile aku dsahkan menghadapi chicken pox ari ahad ari tu..sebenanye time ari jumaat kat bam villa lagi aku da rase mcm ade benjol kat blakg kpale aku ..so,aku just ignore sbb myb ade kelimumur yg sgt besar kot kat kulit kpale aku ni..n then ,esok paginye ,aku perasan ade lagi satu bende bulat kat tengkuk aku plak..n time tu,ape yg still lingered dkt pikiran aku ialah aku elergic dgn air kolam bam villa kot sbb jumaat pagi tu aku g berenang ngan one of my housemate,bella...then ,skali lagi aku just ignorekan..again,in the next day ,aku nmpk kat blakg bdn n kat prut aku pon da tumbuh .then ,i kol my mother ..bfore that ,aku msj ngan kawan aku,aen samsu ..n die kate ntah2 chicken pox ? ..aku trus gelabah gile sbb aku rase aku da kene c pox time aku kecik2 dulu .so,why now it happened again ? at the age of 19 ? wat will happen to my face ? am i going to die ? seriously,bende tu yg aku pikir kan n yg pling pting ialah,aku pikir cm ne nak g klas ni ..n then ,my mom n my dad bwk g klinik .n doktor tu kate.ayoooo.ini chicken pox laaaa..so,dpt la mc seminggu .xde ape yg untung bila dpt mc seminggu ..rugi ade la..n masok ari yg keberapa ntah aku kene cpox ni n lps minum air klape .satu badan aku klua cpoxx dgn melimpah ruah sgt2 ..sampai aku nangis sbb aku rase kulit aku yg jarang2 sgt dtumbuhi jerawat,secara tibe2 penuh dgn bintik2 c poxxx..hahahaahaha.tp,aku x kisah sgt sebenanye, sbb aku ni bukan nye seorg yg mementingkan kecantikan pon .bg aku,konfiden tu yg menunjukkan kite ni cantik atau x..cume ,aku mungkin terfikir  mcm mne nak bg org jgn tego perubahan kat muka aku ni..aku rimas la klau ade yg ejek muka aku nt sbb aku x kesah pon ..so,xperlu la koang nak ejeK2 okayyyy ..

                                               yuupp.my face kinda trendy right ? haha


Fuhhhhh ..walaupon da lame da malaysia menang pingat emas sukan sea ari tu ,tp aku still rase happy gile2 lgi kottt..lagi2 bile kite menang n indonesia kalah ..sebenanye ,aku x tgok pon pertandingan tu scare live ,tp frenz yg dok ber fb tu yg update status ...n kemenangan tu aku terbawak bawak sampai ari ni kottt ...hahaaaa .yg pting bukn aku soang jek ..kwan aku,si aen samsu tu pon same ...yg pling lawak is bile sesi fotografi klas ..kitrg dgn banggenye ingin membawa kelainan dalam nama kitrg ..so,kitorg pon letak name kitrg sbgai aen muslim n ain baddrol ...hahahaa ..obses gile time tu ...but again CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR YOUNG TIGERSSS !! AAAUUUMMMM.........
yeeaayyy ! we r the championnnnnnnn